The latest wedding trends in 2023, 2023 wedding trends: Dresses, food, programs of the latest wedding trends


We present the latest wedding trends

Szerző: RV Event - event organization

Trends come and go, we've gotten used to that, and it's no different with wedding trends. However, one thing never changes: the wedding is one of the most defining events in everyone's life. Would you like your Big Day to follow the latest wedding trends? Here are some tips! The latest wedding trends

Wedding according to the latest wedding trends

A wedding is a very special event - when two loving hearts join together, you and I become We. And the RV Event team tries to do as much as possible to make this special event the most special and wonderful day for you. With this, we have collected the latest wedding trends. We also know well how complicated and multi-component a process it is to organize a wedding. If you need help, contact our professional colleagues. In addition to securing the venue, we also take care of the wedding menu, cake, and decoration!
Wedding along the latest wedding trends? Ask for a unique offer!

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Latest wedding trends: formal is the fashion in 2023

The coronavirus epidemic has brought about a huge change in our entire world, which also affects our dressing habits. After many months of sitting at home, more and more formal fashion took its place in office meetings, and the traces of this were also left in the sets of the wedding guests. Guests are happy to exchange worn-out clothes at home for black ties. According to the latest wedding trends, elegant outfits, evening dresses, and patent shoes are enjoying their heyday again. And elegant clothes go with an elegant venue, right?

Latest wedding trends: the little white wedding dress will still be popular in 2023

Also due to the coronavirus epidemic, the concept of the little white dress was born after the little black dress. It happened that the couples about to get married had to cancel the big weddings, but in order to seal the marriage, the two of them stood in front of the registrar with 1 witness and promised eternal fidelity to each other. But the bride not only gave up on the world-famous wedding, but also on the frothy-bean dress, and instead got a simple, white little dress. By the way, the little white wedding dress was not invented recently, it was already a very popular trend in the 1960s, and if the predictions are true, it will conquer even in 2023. The monsters with plastic tires are disappearing from modern weddings for good, instead soft, small, clean, elegant, slightly lacy dresses are in the limelight. Although, when it comes to wedding dresses, many people only think of the bride, but there are also new things in the groom's attire: not only black and dark blue, but also beige, light gray, khaki green, and burgundy colors according to the latest wedding trends.

Latest wedding trends: 2023 is all about intimacy

We can also blame it on the epidemic, but even in the previous years it was a typical trend that the main direction of weddings was not luxury, but rather intimacy. Many couples voted for smaller gatherings, to which only the most important people were invited. In the latest wedding trends, deep emotions, romance, and charm will see the light of day.
Get an intimate wedding venue for a romantic wedding! RV Event's private function rooms ensure that you and your guests have a great time on this special day!

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Latest wedding trends: 2023 wedding photo trends are a bit drunk

Are you getting a little bored with everything being about perfection? Are you bored of the perfectly set poses and perfectly edited pictures posted on social media? Then you will love the conquering wedding trend in photography! Retro, film photographs are enjoying their heyday again, as are blurry, slightly drunken pictures, which are far from perfect, but all the more honest! Bright, bold flash adds a vintage feel and is sure to make your wedding photos stand out from the average. The photographer and videographer do more artistic work, they work with quick cuts, they make short films of 2-3 minutes, but the big film is no longer than 20-25 minutes according to the latest wedding trends, but still fits all the really important moments.

Wedding decorations according to the latest wedding trends

The latest wedding trends are also bringing colors back! Jewel-toned bridesmaid dresses that don't match each other, color-blocking flowers for the aisle decoration, colors that don't match at first on the table - just like that, you can keep up with the latest wedding trends in a slightly chaotic way. It is certain that in 2023 we will see a lot of bridal bouquets with many colors mixed with bright flowers in shades of pink, purple and red.

In the latest wedding trends of 2023, there is a huge emphasis on decoration, which is becoming more and more spectacular. Be elegant or bohemian - the point is to be spectacular. You don't have to be afraid of black or dark green colors either, as they can conjure up a very majestic elegance. Dry flowers and other accessories, beautiful chairs, plates, and sophisticated napkins have also become important parts of the wedding decoration according to the latest trends.
In cooperation with the Eni Flower Shop and Gift Shop, we will make you the most beautiful and at the same time the neatest bouquet for the Big Day, and we will also take care of the entire wedding decoration!

Latest wedding trends: gastronomy will play a prominent role in 2023

Nowadays, gastronomic elements are increasingly important in all areas of life. When we visit a new country, one of our most important things is to discover the local food. Food also plays an important role at weddings, and the latest wedding trends bring a little change in this area as well. The food is also modern and youthful - bbq, hamburgers, small snacks, extra fried foods, special cocktails and wines - lead the trends.
Our restaurants offer a wonderful menu. Whether you want to serve traditional dishes on the Big Day, or gastronomic specialties, special street food dishes, our excellent chefs are ready to make your dream come true! Request an offer!

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Latest wedding trends: In 2023, these trends will conquer

We have already described the most important wedding trends for you, but there are a few more details that may also be interesting. Nowadays, there are hardly any games on the Big Day, or more youthful ones - raffles, lottery tickets, collection of donations for a good cause, for example for an animal shelter - to highlight only the most important ones. Usually, the couple prepares a unique show with the instructor for the opening dance, parents and siblings are often involved as well. The demanding live music is replaced by a DJ at many events from midnight. It is also among the latest wedding trends that couples no longer light candles at the civil ceremony, but instead mix spritz or gin and tonic.

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