Guest-friendly ideas for the wedding tips for The Big Day | RV Event


Guest-friendly ideas for the wedding

Szerző: RV Event

Although the wedding is the big day of the couple, the real celebration is when all the invited parties are having a good time. And as an organizer, you can do a lot to ensure that guests enjoy maximum comfort. Below are some guest-friendly ideas for your wedding! Guest-friendly ideas for the wedding

Guest-friendly ideas for the wedding: Serving refreshments

A piece of advice that seems basic, but we still thought it was important to include it as the very first point of our guest-friendly wedding ideas, because many people screw it up. Most weddings take place in the summer, when it's very hot, so it's essential that the guests always have the opportunity to drink something refreshing. We are not only thinking of alcoholic drinks, but even a glass of cold water. It is important that there is a refreshment point set up for the guests at each location of the ceremony. During the dinner, it is also worth considering the guests who do not drink alcohol and offering them specialties, such as homemade lemonades and non-alcoholic cocktail specialties. RV Event's beverage selection includes numerous alcoholic and non-alcoholic specialties.

Guest-friendly ideas for the wedding: Think about those with food sensitivities

Nowadays, more and more people suffer from different food intolerances, such as gluten sensitivity, lactose sensitivity, egg sensitivity, some people do not consume animal products for one reason or another, and people with diabetes also have to follow a special diet. When handing out the invitations, be sure to assess the needs, and even if the entire wedding menu is not prepared accordingly, all guests should have the opportunity to eat it! Many times, due to food intolerances, in addition to the wedding cake, a mini cake is also made, which is free of everything and which all guests can eat. At RV Event, there are several wedding catering options, including free meals.

Guest-friendly ideas for the wedding: Provide suitable seating

If you want to properly take care of your guests' comfort, then provide adequate seating throughout the day. This means that during the reception, sufficient chairs must be set up at each table and comfortable seating must be provided, as well as what many people don't think about, that there are also places to rest outside. Children, the elderly, and expectant mothers must also be considered. There should always be adequate seating for them, either before the ceremony or during the reception.

Guest-friendly ideas for the wedding: Provide accommodation for those coming from afar

You also have to think about guests coming from afar. Since we are talking about a wedding, which ideally lasts until dawn, and alcohol must also be consumed for the celebration, 50 kilometers can be a long distance. For the convenience of guests, provide rooms close to the venue. One of the wonderful event venues of RV Event is the A Bárány restaurant, which can accommodate 70-80 people, making it perfect for weddings. It also has 7 rooms where guests from far away can relax comfortably.

Guest-friendly ideas for the wedding: Make sure there is enough space for the guests
Another important consideration is to make sure that your guests have enough space to have fun. This means there is plenty of room for dancing and conversation, as well as seating. Sometimes it is difficult to make sure that no one feels uncomfortable, but a little compromise is necessary. Many couples choose to create a designated dance floor or place tables and chairs in an open layout to allow for easy movement. This is also something to consider.

Guest-friendly ideas for the wedding: Plan fun activities

The couple is usually very busy on the big day, preparing for various activities, speeches, bridal dance, cake cutting, and the list goes on. But the guests don't have that much to do, so it doesn't hurt to take care of their entertainment as well. Set up a photo booth with props for guests to take fun pictures, taping them into a guestbook and writing a few lines will be a great keepsake for years to come. It is also worth preparing games for the children.

Would you like a guest-friendly wedding that you, the couple, enjoyed a lot, and everyone else will also have an eternal memory? Request a unique offer for wedding planning!

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