Best company family day programs, company family day programs for small and large companies


The best corporate family day program ideas for small and large businesses

Szerző: RV Event - event organization

Nowadays, more and more companies are realizing that the researches are true, according to which it is very important to build communities in business life, so that employees get to know each other better and cultivate closer relationships. In addition to team-building events, company family day programs can help with this. The only question left is what programs to have, but fortunately the RV Event team can help you with this! company family day programs

A lunch is also a perfect corporate family day program idea

We often make the mistake of not seeing the most obvious solutions due to overthinking, even though a joint lunch or early dinner (due to the children's early bedtime) is absolutely perfect for a family day program idea. One of the best ways to celebrate employees and their families is to feed them - it's as simple as that. The employees also have the opportunity to talk informally during lunch, but you can combine lunch or dinner with other programs, or you can even hold a movie screening after lunch.
Are you looking for a restaurant for the programs of the company family day? The family-friendly A Bárány restaurant in the center of Kaposvár is the perfect choice!

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Children's programs should not be missing from company family day programs

After all, the company's employees and their families will be there, so special attention must be paid to the children's needs. It is much better if the children return home with positive experiences and reinforce in their mother's or father's mind what a good workplace they have. Prepare for them with corporate family day programs such as face painting, children's performances, magicians, clowns, a playhouse, or a bouncy castle.

Magicians and clowns always take the lead among company family day programs

Magic entertains both children and adults. A hired magician performs tricks and illusions for about an hour during the show. Magicians often ask for volunteers, which makes the whole family day even more exciting and intimate. In addition to magicians, clowns also provide endless entertainment for families.

Sports competitions are also very popular among corporate family day programs

At the competitions, people working in different fields and their families can compete against each other, of course only in a strictly fun setting. The program of a company family day should be something that both young and old can enjoy. Here are some examples of obstacle races:
•    Egg Races: Ask participants to race from one end of the field to the other with an egg on a spoon. A teammate then brings back the same egg. Or the couples throw the egg back and forth to each other. After each successful catch, the team members should take a step back. The last team whose egg remains intact wins, even more eggs can be distributed per team. A team can be a family, but you can also put together a mixed group of participants.
•    Sports: Many sports are suitable for corporate family entertainment events. Volleyball, kickball, basketball, badminton are also fun games that can be enjoyed by people of all ages and abilities. You can also organize sports competitions.
•    Tug of War: This classic team building event is suitable for both adults and children. However, be sure to consider the age and strength of the teams. You can organize different categories by age to keep the teams even. For example, under 10, 10-18, 18-40 and over 40.

Office tour as an exciting company family day program

Many families may wonder how their loved ones spend their working days. If you open the office to family members who haven't been able to set foot in the building yet and invite them to a fun family day and office tour, it can be a perfect company family day program for curious pairs of eyes. During the tour, allow the family members to explore the office area, then invite them to dinner to make this company family day program really memorable!

Volunteering as an unusual company family day program

Time spent volunteering as a group is good for the community and good for company morale. Some examples are nature conservation, homeless shelters or children living in the foster care system, you can pick up trash, distribute food, or help at the local dog shelter. Plus tip: organize a collection for the organization before the company family day program, and then hand it over together as part of the program!
Are you looking for a location for the company family day program? Request an offer from Kaposvár RV Event!

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