Birthday supplies, Birthday supplies for a perfect birthday, Birthday supplies for a surprise birthday


Birthday supplies, or how to organize a perfect birthday party!

Szerző: RV Event - event organization

Have you ever noticed that you often don't remember what you gave or received on your birthday last year? This is because lived experiences form much more permanent memory spots in us than material things. That's why a wild birthday party is much better than an expensive gift. So how can you organize a fantastic birthday party, what are the most important birthday accessories? The AZ RV Event team has created a little guide! Birthday supplies

Most important birthday supplies for parties: You need a good birthday theme!

Nothing elevates a party like a fantastic theme, so it's best to choose this in the first place, and later adjust everything to it, organize everything depending on it. You don't necessarily have to think about things here like everything about the Harry Potter movies. But it is important to clarify basic things, such as whether you envision a classic or rather modern location, what kind of music you want, bright or rather pastel colors, and what other accessories would be suitable for the decoration. What should the food be like: should it be a buffet with lots of dance space, with children running around, or should it be a sit-down lunch with slightly more classic elements? Should the party be outside or inside? Maybe both? The birthday theme is the first and most important birthday party accessory!

Most important birthday supplies for parties: Choose the right date

Choosing the date of the birthday party is also very important in the list of birthday supplies, without which no party can start, as this ensures that this big day is engraved in the calendar of all important guests! Fortunately, we don't have a difficult task, since we have a strong reference point due to the birthday, but before you book a venue, be sure to agree with all the invitees!

Most important birthday supplies for parties: The most important thing is the birthday location

There is no more important birthday accessory for a good party than a good location. Basically, the venue is the soul of every event, the real engine, so once the date has been set and the theme has been thought of, there is nothing left to do but to look for a venue that meets these two criteria.

Classic or modern style, elegant or family atmosphere, outdoor or indoor event, small or large party, birthday party of one or more days? RV Event has the perfect event venue for every occasion! Ask for a unique offer, and we will definitely recommend the most suitable location for the theme of the birthday party!

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Most important birthday party supplies: Food and drinks

A birthday party is not a birthday party without cake, delicious food and drinks - so it can clearly be said that these are also essential birthday accessories. But what kind of food and drinks should be served at the party, what should the cake be?

Most important birthday supplies: What kind of food should be at the birthday party?

All this will be determined by the birthday theme. We offer a dinner or lunch set for a classic birthday party, for which our chefs prepare the most delicious traditional dishes, using fresh, excellent ingredients. However, for a modern-style birthday party, we recommend finger foods and a buffet spread. It is also possible to order fine dining and international gastronomic specialties. At our birthday venues, we also provide the best premium drinks, be it alcoholic drinks, champagne, cocktails, short drinks, quality wines, soft drinks, or coffee.

The most important of the birthday accessories: The cake!

There is no birthday without a cake, everyone knows that! If you don't blow out the numerous candles on the cake - if possible, with one breath - it's as if you didn't have a birthday! The RV Event team will also take care of the cake - if there is a need for it. We know that the cake is the most important of the birthday supplies, so we make it with this in mind and of course with quality!

Balloons cannot be left out among the most important birthday supplies!

Did you know that RV Event even takes care of the decorations? Our exclusive private event venues are decorated in an eye-catching way, but if required, we can dress up the venue even more festively in cooperation with the Eni Flower Shop and Gift Shop. Balloons, decorations, table decorations? We take care of everything!
Book a birthday venue with us, and all you have to do is send out the birthday invitations with the right date!

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Among the most important birthday accessories, the gift cannot be left out

Although a birthday party in itself is a very good gift, especially if you even invite one of the celebrant's favorite performers to a short performance! A special gift can also be if you order a selfie box, with the help of which you can capture the best moments of your birthday. But if you still want to treat the celebrant with a gift, we recommend experience gifts. Get together and surprise the celebrant with some bucket-list program: sailing in Greece, African safari, mountain tour? There are plenty of great ideas to be found that are worth much more than an expensive new phone!

The most important birthday supplies for children

We mustn't forget the little ones either! If we want them to have a really good time, we can even create a children's corner with an animator. If it is specifically a children's birthday, then it is clear that everything will be about them. There are plenty of children's programs worth organizing: face painting, music, games, dressing up. The theme can be endless: jungle, firefighter, princess, unicorn, or some current favorite fairy tale.

Tips and ideas


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