Bachelorette party customs, creative bachelorette party customs, the latest bachelorette party customs, the most creative bachel


Bachelorette party habits - or top tips for organizing a bachelorette party

Szerző: RV Event - event organization

How do you go about organizing a bachelorette party? What are the hen party customs that cannot be left out of any event, because they contribute to the light of this event, which can also be called a special ceremony? We show you the most typical hen party customs, which should not be omitted from the organization of the hen party! Bachelorette party habits

Bachelorette party habits: One of the most important is a matching T-shirt

Hen party customs help make this special event not just any girly party, but really special. If unique t-shirts were purchased for this occasion, then everyone will definitely feel special in their skin. All participants should have the same T-shirt, but the bride-to-be can be distinguished! It can also help to make this hen party custom perfect if the t-shirt includes the bride's favorite color. We think it is lucky to choose a white T-shirt and ask for it in the color with the inscription.

Bachelorette party customs: Decoration is also important

If everyone feels comfortable in their own skin, in their special hen party outfit, then only the venue has to wear festive clothes. You don't have to skimp on balloons, shiny elements, or colorful ribbons either, since the location of the hen party must be clearly distinguished from the location of the bachelor party. The Eni Flower Shop and Gift Shop assists in the decoration of the RV Event's bachelorette party locations. They know hen party customs well, they know what it takes to make the decoration of the hen party showy, special and memorable. You can also choose a special theme, for example beach or decoration suitable for Barbie fairy tales!

The bride's favorite drink is an important factor in hen party customs

According to them, it's no secret, so you can talk about it openly, that hen parties go together with drinking. The bride's favorite drink and cocktail should definitely be added to the list. It's also okay if you taste the memorable drinks from old parties, as a little girly nostalgia - this is also a common thing among bachelorette party customs.

There is also a place for games in hen party customs

No hen party can be complete without fun and laughter-inducing games, it's good if everyone remembers this. It is worth preparing several games, in case one of them does not win the bride's favor, since on this day everything must be about her, everything must be to her liking.

Most recently, a certificate exhibition is also included among the bachelorette party customs

In accordance with the latest hen party customs, you can prepare a test, which is of course more funny than serious. It should include questions such as: what was your future spouse's sign in kindergarten, how many hairs does he have on his arms, what was his first favorite band, and semi-embarrassing questions to which the bride will not necessarily know the answer. Agree on the answers with the groom! At the end of the bachelorette party, issue a certificate of recognition stating that the bride has passed the exam and can be admitted to the wedding according to the bachelorette party committee!

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